In a world teetering on the edge of technological marvels and existential threats, Mustafa Suleyman’s “The Coming Wave” serves as both a cautionary tale and a roadmap. It’s a book that doesn’t just skim the surface but plunges deep into...
“Rage,” Bob Woodward’s second deep-dive into the Trump presidency, is an unsettling yet fascinating portrayal of political chaos. This meticulously researched and well-penned book provides a first-hand account of the inner workings of one of...
My book list seems to grow endlessly, akin to Russian Vine, as my own mortal coil tapers off. Amidst this overwhelming collection of literature, I found myself irresistibly drawn to Martin Amis’ “Money,” despite my limited time for such indulgences....
Opening Melissa Broder’s ‘Milk Fed’ was akin to embarking on a journey. A journey where I found myself staring at a mirror that reflected parts of me I had carefully hidden away. I found my personal struggles mirrored in the character of Rachel, who,...
Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander is a literary masterpiece that captures the essence of historical fiction, time-travel, romance, and adventure. It is a book that has left readers enthralled, frustrated, angered, and loved in equal measure. At the heart of the story...
by Jon Biddle Okay, so when you read books in the genre that you yourself write in – partly for your own reading entertainment but for a bit of research, this book has a plethora of fodder to use. If you think I’m screwed up, you need to read Kepler’s books....