by Jon Biddle Four years ago, I sat in an auditorium. Part of the Sudden Onset Disaster charity that I work for, the keynote speaker was billed by a surgeon who when we saw him, didn’t really fit the mould that I had created in my head. Mr David Nott took to the...
by Heather Morris Someone recommended this book, and it didn’t disappoint. The individual stories that come out of the Second World War are fascinating. They are of untold courage, such humanity amongst some of the most horrific events of our times. The question I ask...
by Chloé Esposito I was listening to a podcast last month. The author Chloé Esposito was being interviewed, and she was talking about her book Mad, released last year. First, the book is awesome. A great read, fast-paced and not what you would expect as a reader. The...