by Jon Biddle Okay, so this isn’t a regular book for me to read. It’s a bit left-wing socialist kinda a book about how the world should react in the face of aggression. As a veteran, I resolve action with action. Attack is the best form of defence, right? Well, as...
by Jon Biddle I’m a fickle reader and a writer, and there are few books that come across my desk that make me want to stop everything and read. Well, this one one of those books. No, I might be a tad biased and I won’t apologies. The Sharpe series was and still is my...
by Jon Biddle I read this book as a teenager at boarding school. For English. It was a book I chose to read and was ambitious for a child that had the attention span of a fish. But I remember it fondly. Given the recent events with the Black Lives Matter, I thought I...
by Jon Biddle I have been in therapy for over six years following an abusive childhood. The one thing that I have come to realise is that we all come through our childhood with some kind of hangup from our parents. As a parent myself, I have also come to realise that...
by Jon Biddle Okay, so where do I start? There’s so much in this book that covers one subject – the inner critic. How the inner critic works, why it does what it does and how you can remedy the calamitous effects the inner critic leaves in its wake. Its...
by Jon Biddle There’re questions we as humans constantly ask? One of which is where are we from? What drives us as humans? Why are we so different from our primate counterparts in the animal kingdom? Why is the infant in a troupe of chimpanzee’s shorter than the...