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Today, we stick a crown on a dudes head.

Today, we stick a crown on a dudes head.

The coronation of King Charles III will be a historic event, marking the formal transfer of power from Queen Elizabeth II, who has reigned for almost seven decades. The details of the ceremony are not yet known, but it is expected to be a grand...

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Shakespeare every day

Shakespeare every day

  I have been regaling my wife with a daily dose of Shakespeare. I say regale, I think she would say something else. I know Shakespeare can be a little dry, even convoluted to making a point. But in these ancient writings, it still carries as...

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I am a writer

I am a writer

  The things that make me different are the things that make me, me – Piglet. I had to take my wife, Sam, to visit one of her clients who needed some artistic coaching. When we arrived at the clients house. They lived in this beautiful...

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Be the Loan wolf and not the victim.

Be the Loan wolf and not the victim.

The Loan Wolf - How social anxiety behaves like double    What seems like a lifetime, I have struggled with anxiety. It’s a thing I hide well. On the face of things, I am an assertive man who gets what they want. I have learnt from a young age...

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Princess Caraboo   As a writer, your travels through the reams of literature takes you on a fantastic journey. Some stories stick in your mind while we consign others to the cerebral waste bin. I recently stumbled across a story so...

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Whispered Promises: Love's Resilience Amidst the Storm   Once upon a time, in a world tinged with both joy and sorrow, destiny brought me face to face with a remarkable man. He was not just a patient; he was a living testament to a love story...

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Putin STOP!!!

Putin STOP!!!

by Jon Biddle   If you haven’t been watching the news recently, Russia has invaded Ukrainian, which has been on the cards for around six years. The hors d’oeures for this was the occupation of Crimea in 2014. Let’s not split hairs here, let’s...

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Regression to old emotional habits

Regression to old emotional habits

by Jon Biddle   They safe moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do as an adult. In my younger years with my wife and children, we moved often, not really finding our groove. Until the house we have been living in for nearly...

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How is your mental health?

How is your mental health?

by Jon Biddle   It has dogged humans with mental health through time immemorial. We just saw it differently than we do today. Mental health is a scatter gun label for something which is a little more dynamic than what people appreciate. Stick...

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The one Man Band.

The one Man Band.

by Jon Biddle     Being self-published is something just more than writing. I have said this so many times, the writing side of things is the easy bit and the business side of things can become very consuming. How long you take to...

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What is your passion?

What is your passion?

by Jon Biddle    I work a full-time job as a writer, and some folks rock their hips and place a hand on their chest, open mouthed, demonstrating a level of confusion, ‘don’t you work as a medical professional?’ I guess while stood there...

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When Armageddon comes

When Armageddon comes

So with Covid supposedly on the retreat and before the masses take to the streets in a VE style celebration, the best Europe and NATO can do is a war with Russia — the unending uncertainty of life continues to pervade us every day. How can we go...

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7 steps to being creative

7 steps to being creative

by Jon Biddle    Humanity is incredibly creative and I marvel and the different ways we achieve things in our lives. It’s a natural gift we possess and we use it in parenting, education, lifestyle. Creativity isn’t always about painting a...

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Can creativity save me?

Can creativity save me?

by Jon BiddleI know what I have to do as I sit and watch the cursor flash mercilessly at me, like a constant reminder that I am not writing. I wish it did something else, like somersaults or sit back and read the paper. But no, the cursor blinks...

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The Day I nearly Died!

The Day I nearly Died!

by Jon BiddleSo Saturday morning around 4pm, I woke with a dream of a lizard dropping onto my shoulder - One of my greatest fears. I woke in the haze of sleep. I struggled to make sense of what was going on, my heart racing. In fact, it was pumping...

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First Step of the Twelve Steps.

First Step of the Twelve Steps.

by Jon BiddleMy name is Jon Biddle, and I overeat, binge eat to excess and capacity. I feel powerless in my addiction and want to die because of it. This is what the twelve steps or twelve traditions demand from me and only when I realise I am...

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Dont de-value your passion

Dont de-value your passion

by Jon Biddle I got an email from a publisher the other day. They wanted to know some details and maybe think about a deal.   Publishers call you asking you for your details with a tempting deal, it’s like getting an email from Prince Mfon from...

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Are you ready?

Are you ready?

by Jon Biddle   I can throw around such definitions of hyper-reacting to anything and everything that happens to me. Then something interesting happens. All the loftiest sounding definitions get me thinking about what my personal definition...

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Worry is Weakness

Worry is Weakness

by Jon BiddleWhy is it we can roll out of bed on any day and be in a joyous state? We see sunlight even on the grayest of days. Everything in our tiny world is harmonious to the frequency of life. And yet, some days, thankfully, not too many these...

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How to make a killing

How to make a killing

by Jon BiddleWhenever we make a mistake, we end up making more mistakes because we refuse to acknowledge the mistake in the first place.  What’s worse is we are hardly ever honest with ourselves about the mistake. We need to consistently examine...

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What is your sequential?

What is your sequential?

by Jon BiddleWriting has been what I have known forever and loved, yet I wasted a lot of years not writing - thanks to my own inner critic.   If I were thinking honestly, writing chose me, as most people choose what they know what’s best for them....

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