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How To Write A Novel
by Jon BiddlePeople think that because I am a writer, I produce novels just for the sake of writing. A bit of this statement is true. But the right answer to that is that I don’t. I don’t write novels for selfish reasons or for the money which in...
Accountability – What it means to me
by Jon BiddleOne of the biggest areas in career and personal growth is the area of accountability. Accountability, why? Because you make your own choices, and you can learn from the choices you make. A lot of self improvement and personal growth...
I Cant Believe its Easter.
by Jon BiddleDon’t you just love the Easter weekend with an extended holiday, then the week seems to fly past so quick. I guess we have to thank Judas Iscariot for this. Without his snitching ways, there would be no Easter, no wailing on the mound,...
Happiness is a State of Mind
by Jon BiddleBut for most people, being happy then becomes incidental and confused with some bullshit idealistic, somatically trying to justify one’s state of happiness. Therefore, I tell people with an optimistic mindset to get used to not being...
The Magic Word: Gratitude
by Jon BiddleOne Magic Word: Gratitude. When life is drudgery, it is easy to look around and wonder why we have to be grateful. Yet gratitude is a key ingredient to a balanced life, a happy life. Gratitude fosters positive thinking. Why not use...
Feng Shui
by Jon BiddleComing to the end of lockdown, both Sam and I released the house was cluttered. When I say we, that’s the royal we. I could live in a skip and be oblivious, but I’m grateful for the critical eye that Sam possesses. She doesn’t tolerate...
The Gift of Creativity
by Jon BiddleAs humans, we are given the gift of creativity. This creativity can be anything from picking up a paintbrush to wordsmithing some prose of narrative, to making a simple pot on a throwers wheel to welding metal into something that means...
My Creative Slump
by Jon Biddle So I have been in a bit of a creative slump. I have not had the easiest first quarter of the year. Working in a Covid-19 infested hospital has been challenging, way more challenging than I had expected. What my therapist Jane would...
Motivation is so last year
by Jon BiddleDo you sometimes sit a wonder why things in your life just aren’t working on the trajectory you had hoped? When the goals go amiss, motivation goes haywire. You feel paralysed with fear, jealousy, inferiority. Everything grinds to a...
NEWSFLASH – Percy the Rover Beats Starving Children
by Jon BiddleSo, last week we saw the Perseverance Rover nicknamed affectionately as Percy of NASA land safely and trundle its way across the tundra on the red plant, miles and miles away from our planet earth. It landed in a basin, thought to have...
The Red Scare
by Jon BIddleSo, who reads this has breathed a sigh of relief, with the inauguration of the 46th President of the United States? Joe Biden sworn in and the amazing Kamala Harris as the vice president. I have to say, even for a Brit, I found it...
Time for the conscientious collective.
by jon biddle Gosh, the landscape of the free world has changed so much since my last blog post. I have been busy, massively actually. Working the day job fighting the coronavirus. It has been a bit challenging, not impossible, but...
Happy New Year – I Hope
by Jon Biddle Hey guys, I hope you have had a great Christmas and may 2021 be much better than what 2020 has been? I have to say though; it hasn’t been too bad for Sam and I. The first lock down I took some time out of my work to concentrate of...
‘Tis the season and all that!
by Jon Biddle I was sitting, minding my business on Saturday night, waiting for SB to finish a Zoom call so we could watch another Christmas movie. My weekend sandwiched between a load of nights at Covid central and my social media feeds that were...
Your Inner Critic
by Jon BiddleGod grant me me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference” - The Serenity Prayer. So what do you reckon about the new website? I have gone back to...
Can we beat COVID?
by Jon BiddleAlthough I have had the entire week off from covid central, I haven’t been idle. Both Sam and I have spent what seems like an eternity on the new website, updated my mailing list and gripped my ad campaign so I know where I stand - my...
Vaccine Central
by Jon BiddleAlthough I have had the entire week off from covid central, I haven’t been idle. Both Sam and I have spent what seems like an eternity on the new website, updated my mailing list and gripped my ad campaign so I know where I stand - my...
Self immolation
by Jon BiddleTalking of bad habits, I once I smoked, I know, horrible habit. I rolled my own. The smell of that tobacco, the ritual of crafting the perfect cigarette each time, took on the same diligence and etiquette as a Japanese tea ceremony....
Drones and sheep
by Jon BiddleI was this week reminded bitterly that one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover and as a writer, shouldn’t this be in your own top ten rules? An erst while character trait we should all aspire too though, in all things in life I...
Three weeks of nights
by Jon BiddleSo, I have finished a mammoth three weeks of working nights in critical care. Not just working nights, but working nights during the second wave of the worst healthcare emergency of a generation. I’m tired. It’s been exhausting, not...
by Jon BiddleSo on the podcast today, Sam and I were chatting and the subject of fetishes came up. We talk about all sorts on the podcast I Hate This Book. If you haven’t listened to it yet, hit the LINK here. Anyway, my thing is sound. I enjoy...
By Jon BiddleSo here we come to the famous National Novel Writing Month or known as NaNoWriMo where would be authors spend a month focussing on writing a book…. Hmm, thinking here, if you’re a writer, then shouldn’t you be spending most weeks...
by Jon Biddle I had a long session with my therapist Jane at the weekend. There seems to be aspects of the trauma that I experienced from childhood that is causing a number of maladies creating obstruction in the flow of all things that are...
by Jon Biddle I was mindlessly scrolling through my phone the other day, slavishly checking the same three apps; Facebook, Twitter and Instagram over and over again. Suddenly it hit me, what a boring experience, it was like an epiphany, It was if I...
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