

This is my blog page, scroll down to sign up, completely free and get the latest from my desk as a Writer. I have a seperate book recviews page and a journal style blog, which swings from close to the bone emotional or down right hillarious. Sign up to my newsletter and as a sweetener I will send you a copy of TROL, the prequal to the Alex brown series. Scroll down to join the list. 

Covert Narcissist

Covert Narcissist

by Jon BiddleThis week of night-shifts has finally ended. This week felt significantly longer than the weeks spent at home writing. I know a week doesn’t seem a lot, but I’m an old man now (so I keep being told anyway), and as a writer, my...

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Coal Face

Coal Face

by Jon BiddleWelcome to my new subscribers, sorry for the prolonged absence in my blog posts, I have been luckily enough to be able to go back to work and so I have been acclimatising after 3 months of lockdown. It has been challenging, it’s not so...

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Things have changed

Things have changed

by Jon BiddleYou may have noticed how in my last few blogs I have been waxing lyrical about my pearl wedding anniversary and how the world has changed, I think this is a symptom of getting older. You become more and more aware of how different your...

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Contextual Worlds

Contextual Worlds

by Jon BiddleI heard an interesting theory the other day, it’s the idea that there are two ways in which you can live your life. Two ways of thinking govern your life and the way you view it, context and content. Let me explain, contextually, your...

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by Jon Biddle Can you believe it is the middle of August already? Seriously, where did all that time go? It feels like yesterday that the new year had just started and we were full of hope at what the year had ahead, jetting off to the UAE and the...

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30 Years Have Past

30 Years Have Past

by Jon Biddle I, like most people, look forward to their Saturday mornings. The same cannot be said for my wife Sam, she dreads Saturday mornings. Why? Well, Saturday mornings are when we film The ‘I HATE This Book’ Podcast, which if you haven’t...

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The Draw To Work

The Draw To Work

by Jon BiddleIt has been my first week back to work and I have been learning what it is like working in this new normal. I already work in a tough environment. An environment that is exposed to the inner workings of the human body and what it looks...

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By Gaslight

By Gaslight

by Jon BiddleAs someone who takes a pride in their ability to work to a schedule, who likes to have projects completed on time it is interesting that I wanted to become an author. The thing about creativity is that it cannot be scheduled, when it...

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I’ll huff and I’ll puff.

I’ll huff and I’ll puff.

by Jon BiddleThe Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builders Matthew 7:24-27 My anniversary is looming, I say looming at it mine and Sams 30th Wedding anniversary. Yes, 30th! I won’t say it has been 30 years of plain sailing, anyone who is also in...

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Questionable Thinking

Questionable Thinking

by Jon Biddle I feel the draw of work; I know I will have to go back to my day job, back into that clinical setting each day rather than my comfortable writing room. I’m having to think ahead. How will I fit this back into my day? How will I go...

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I see fields of green

I see fields of green

by Jon BiddleI See Fields of Green, Red Roses Too. “ I have felt lately, more and more, that my present way of living is bad in every respect.” Thomas Hardy, Far From The Madding Crowd It has now been four months of lockdown, four months where my...

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Is it the right time to make difference

Is it the right time to make difference

by Jon BiddleIf you have been following my social media you will have seen the daily updates I have been doing for my writing challenge, that hard work has paid off and I have almost finished the book I started writing at the end of May. It hasn’t...

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Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

by Jon BiddleIts Not Just The Virus We’re Fighting I am not sure where you start on this post; I think it’s important to make a comment about what’s happening in the world, to make sense of what is going on. But the world is burning, and on many...

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Today, we said goodbye to Merlin

Today, we said goodbye to Merlin

by Jon Biddle This week has been overshadowed by the loss of our dog Merlin. I need to obiturate him, because to us, he was so, so wonderful. He was, in essence, the most stubborn asshole of a dog that has ever walked this planet. He hated the car,...

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We Have A Podcast

We Have A Podcast

by Jon BiddleThis week has been a baptism of fire, a steep learning curve, podcasting is something that isn’t just plug and play. If was that simple, everyone would do it, right? Although the world it opens up is awesome. Gosh, there are even...

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Podcasts are to Radio as Netflix is to TV

Podcasts are to Radio as Netflix is to TV

by Jon BiddleSo, both Sam and I have been chatting, and we thought creating a podcast would be so much fun. So we kind of mentioned it to a few people and I find it incredulous that people still do not know what a podcast is as a few individuals...

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The Google Author

The Google Author

by Jon Biddle The complex plots and subplots of my book Harvester, one person accused me of the phenomenon of the ‘google author’ concept and that the life experiences that I experienced weren’t possible. This kind of inflammatory comment...

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Lockdown 2020

Lockdown 2020

by Jon BiddlePersonally, I am week two in to the lockdown, and how has it been for both Sam and I? The government, on the face of things, seem to be there to help us, I think Sunak said “we will do whatever it takes.” But that isn’t necessarily...

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Goal – Blog

Goal – Blog

by Jon BiddleQuestionable Thinking - what does that really mean?   I am not sure what this means. An old army friend once told me, who without naming names was probably the most depraved individual that I had ever come across, he would ask...

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Time is Just an Illusion

Time is Just an Illusion

by Jon Biddle Keeping time is a self inflicted wound that keeps gaping open. Its a relentless slog that just cant be replaced. I think our current crop of politicians in the UK are embarrassing the country to the rest of the world, I am utterly...

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Its my birthday

Its my birthday

by Jon Biddle I don’t like birthdays. I don’t like public events, either, or socialising. And why should I live in such a weird paradigm? It doesn’t make any sense. In fact, isn’t this what an oxymoron is? I’ll explain: I am assertive, confident,...

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Book Promotions

Book Promotions

by Jon BiddleI know its been a while since I sent out a blog post, and there’s no excuse as I don’t accept excuses myself. But I really cant believe that the last time I sent out a newsletter was October last year. YES! last year. and the last...

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